The amazing race

Thursday, 22 March 2012

The Op is over and done with - good news

Okay Okay so I was a drama queen and felt as though I was dying but it was scary. I got operated on Monday morning and did not feel a thing. I felt a strange sense of calm as they were wheeling me into the op theatre. I remember moving onto a gurney for the operation and wondering how many men it would take to move me back into the bed post-op. I remember feeling like one of those hippos or elephants they bring down with a dart in zoos. And then I remember waking up feeling refreshed. I must have been tired from the night before because I felt quite relaxed when I woke up. We waited to meet the surgeon post op but he got called away on an emergency and so I left for home a little bit anxious and wondering about what he had removed and what it looked like. Was it nasty? Should I be afraid?

My gorgeous hubby and lovely little one were waiting for me when I woke up. My world felt right again. Now the process of getting better and recuperating has begun. I am still hobbling around the house on my office chair with wheels and the bandage is still on. Although the ankle feels better I wonder if I will be able to walk rightaway as it seems to be bleeding from time to time. I rang the nurse to ask her about the cyst/lump that the surgeon had removed. She got back to me saying that the cyst was a reaction to the mesh the surgeon had put in in the previous operation last year in August which he had now drained and it all looked good. He had still sent off a tissue for tests but it all looked good. Further she also mentioned that I should be good to go in no time. The cyst news was good news .... in fact it was great news. However I wondered how I was going to be up and running. Today is day 4, Thursday since the op and I am not up and running. In fact the one time I did try and get up and running the wound started to bleed and ache and so I am back on the pain med and lying with my leg elevated. So am I going to get to work next Monday? Frankly, it looks a little grim right now and looks as though I might have to give them another call tomorrow. Hubby and I tried to open up the bandage but it looked as though some fresh blood had come out yet again so we let it be. If I do not feel as though I can remove the bandage I might give the nurse a call again and see if I can go in and get it seen to. The last thing I want after all this is to go into work and damage the ankle again as it should be elevated. I do not want to stuff it up again.

I am looking forward to the ankle healing and me making yet another start in terms of fitness and health. Hopefully the ankle will behave and I will be able to do a lot of things I want to do. I have to be weighed and measured again as per my fitness trainer due to zero activity in bed and so on. Needless to say I am not looking  forward to all this but its got to be done. In my head I am expecting to be up and running at the latest by the 1st of April. Meanwhile, I am drawing a lot of inspiration from blogs and stories of success.

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