The amazing race

Friday, 27 July 2012

Consistency where art thou?

So since my last post I have been to a 10 day holiday to Queensland (Townsville and Brisbane) and just got back yesterday. As much as I had made plans to eat well and plan any servings of contraband - I failed on some levels. Primarily the issue was that we were staying at peoples places and that proved to be an issue for me. There was no way I was planning on investing in all the spices. I also believed that I was ona  well deserved holiday and I was going to spend time exploring instead of cooking away. So we ate out a fair bit and I also indulged in gelato on at least 4 occasions and enjoyed every mouthful. Now that I am back, I feel like I need to get back to being disciplined again and am missing it in fact. I believe I am best when I am in a certain kind of routine and structure. I am still not at the stage where I can be confidently left to my own devices foodwise.

I noted that there were some changes in how I do things now. Things that have improved. I am not always looking for opportunities to eat just because I can as I am on holiday and that alone provides the justification. My portions have reduced considerably to how they were in the past. However, I still recognise that I am still vulnerble to the sweet seduction of sugar. I feel as though I now need to get back to a plan to eliminate sugar from my life.

I found I can walk without trying to avoid it. I walked around in Brisbane for a few hours browsing and tired but continued to enjoy the sights. My biggest achievement of all was climbing CastleHill in Townsville, a total distance of 1744m/2180 steps - the ironbark track. I never would have imagined that I would ever climb a mountain and so when I decided to join my hubby in climbing this one, I was amazed. It was hard at the beginning especially as the initial bit was extremely steep and I was struggling to breathe but as I warmed up (or should I say steamed up and sweated) it got better and better. All I will say is that next time I will buy proper shoes instead of runners as runners do not really work as climbing shoes.

So now the aim has got to be that I need to get back into discipline and maybe get a wee bit strict with my self - in other words - plan my meals during the week so I can cut myself a wee bit of slack over the weekend. I think the stage has come for me to tighten up a bit more as I have shown myself that I am capable of change and my body can change. As much as I struggle with food diaries I think I should at least aim to try and keep a sugar diary where I record anything with fructose I am eating including fruit just to keep an eye on what I am having.

the holiday was great - lovely warm queensland sun although I could not live there in would be soooo hot and humid.
health to all - until next time - keep healthy

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